Borg Man's World

A few of our favorite things…

Ethiopia Here We Come (Again)!

Posted by Cassie Borgman on March 30, 2013

We appreciate all of your prayers for a speedy trip to Ethiopia. God is good!  Brian and I are in our hotel room in Washington, DC getting ready to try to get some sleep before we jump on an airplane to Ethiopia tomorrow.  What a way to celebrate Easter!  We got the call Monday afternoon that we needed to be in Ethiopia in a week to meet our sweet boys for the first time and go to court to make them a part of our family forever.  It has been a crazy busy week of preparing but now we can breathe a sigh of relief that we are on our way to finally see our new sons.

We get asked all the time, “Why are you adopting…again?”  My Dad prayed a prayer for us at the airport today and reminded us of the “why” in our story.  He included what has become one of my favorite verses in this season of my life:

“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”  – James 1:27

We will be going to court on April 3rd.  Please pray for our safety and that all will go smoothly in Ethiopia as well as with our other boys back at home with grandparents at the helm.  We appreciate all of your thoughts and prayers as we go through this process.  We know that we are only getting our strength right now through Him who gives us strength.

5 Responses to “Ethiopia Here We Come (Again)!”

  1. God speed!

  2. Kim & Scott Diamond said

    Prayers for you, Brian and all of the Borgman boys (here in KY & in Africa). Scott & I have been truly amazed by your faith in God & His plan for your family. We are humbled by your obedience and willingness to listen & then act upon His calling. Prayers for safe travels & a productive trip in preparation for bringing the newest members of your family home! ~Kim & Scott Diamond

  3. Anonymous said

    Praying for a great and safe trip!

  4. Anonymous said

    Cassie, our family is praying for yours at this very exciting time! We are so happy for you and certainly hope we see ALL the Borgmans around the soccer field soon! Love, Laura Carter

  5. Vanessa said

    Praying for you all and will look forward to hearing updates as the week progresses. Rest easy knowing you are in the midst of God’s will for your family. Love you all! Vanessa, Brent, Claire, Sam and Chloe

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